We would like to present a proposal of NNW insurance (personal accident insurance) for students and PhD students of the University of Łódź for the academic year 2023/2024. The annual insurance premium is PLN 62 or PLN 73 (depending on the selected option). The insurance can be taken out only via the website and by paying the premium by 15 December 2023. (the date on which the premium is received in the account). Meeting these conditions means that the insurance is taken out for the whole academic year, i.e. for the period 01.10.2023-30.09.2024. Payment of the premium after 15 December 2023 results in the conclusion of the insurance agreement from the day following posting of the premium on the account.   


All students of the University of Lodz are obliged to be insured, either in the National Health Fund (NFZ) after coming to Poland or by any other private provider who will insure a student for his/her period of stay in Poland.

A student MUST have a valid health insurance at all times. A copy of the insurance must be delivered to the ISO as well as the Students` Office each year. The Univesity of Lodz is not responsible for any medical payments.

Source: ISO`s website

More information about health insurance and medical care in Poland. 

If you choose to use NFZ, this is what you need to do:  fill in the appropriate application form to conclude an agreement for a voluntary health insurance (a sample completed application form is on the information board at the Lodz regional branch of the National Health Fund, address below).

  1. To the application you should add:
  • a xerox copy of your temporary residence permit (Karta Pobytu) or the passport with your current visa,
  • a certificate from the university that confirms the student’s status,
  • a filled in ZZA form  (the pink document) – a sample completed form is on the information board.
  1. The student submits the complete set of documents  to the Lodz regional branch office of the National Health Fund (Łódź,ul. Kopcińskiego 56).
  2. The contract is valid as long as the student pays collections (fees) for the health insurance.
  3. After receiving the contract of the voluntary health insurance student is obliged to regular, monthly payment of collections (fees) in the amount of 46,80 PLN to the ZUSaccount number:
    78 1010 1023 0000 2613 9520 0000
  4. When the student goes for holidays / vacation, or from some other reason wants to refrain from paying collections (fees), then he / she should fill in the application for termination of a contract in the Patients’ Affairs Office (room no. 111) of the National Health Fund’s Lodz regional branch.
    For more information please visit:

Source: ISO`s website

If you do not want to be insured with Polish National Health Fund (NFZ), you can buy insurance in one of many private insurance companies operating in Poland (Polish or International). As a university we cannot indorse any particular companies. 

Having a private insurance means that you will usually have to first cover the cost of your medical treatment and than ask the company for reimbursment. Always carry a copy or a number of your insurance with you in case of an emergency. 

Remember to read the conditions of your insurance policy as you may be surprised that it often does include everything. Insurance policies often exclude treatments below certain amount of money, treatment of injuries occurring as results of doing sports etc. 

Student who are holders of Karta Polaka may be insured through the International Students Office in Uniwersytecka 3.
Insurance is obligatory.