Examination session regulations of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz Academic year 2023/2024

Order of the Rector of the University of Lodz No.107 of April 27, 2023 in the matter: division of the academic year 2023/2024, the following dates of examination sessions in that academic year:

Winter examination session – from 29.01 to 11.02.2024
Winter make-up examination session – from 19.02 to 25.02.2024
Summer examination session – from 17.06 to 07.07.2024
Summer make-up examination session – from 02.09 to 18.09.2024

No credits and examinations should be organized after the end of the session dates.

Electronic protocols will be automatically closed by the USOS system on 25.02.2024 at 23:59 after the winter retake session and on 18.09.2024 at 23:59 after the summer retake session. As a result of the automatic approval of the report (according to the date included in the report), the authors rights to make changes expire. The grades entered by the tutor up to that point are accepted by COS as final grades.

A. Completion of the course

Conditions and deadlines for passing the subjects
1. These Regulations define the method and dates of completing the winter and summer semester in the academic year 2023/2024.
2. Whenever these regulations refer to:

  • examination session - it is understood as the basic (essential) winter and summer examination session,
  • retake session - it is understood as the winter and summer correction session,
  • COS - Student Service Center at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology

3. The conditions and procedure for obtaining credit for the course are given by the teacher during the first class. The conditions cannot violate the Study Regulations and the Examination Session Regulations.

4. Exams are taken during the examination session, which is divided into basic and retake. There are two dates for each exam: the first date and the resit date. The retake examination cannot take place before the lapse of seven days from the date of the announcement of the result of the examination taken on the first date. The dates and place of the exams are set by the examiner in consultation with the students. A student may not be obliged to take more than one exam in a single day in the primary field of study.

5. The regulations of studies at the University of Lodz provide that if a student fails to appear on the scheduled first date for a credit or exam, the teacher conducting the classes, not later than on the last day of the retake session, enters the unsatisfactory grade in the protocol in the USOSweb system.

6. A student who by the date of the examination in the basic examination session has not obtained a credit for the classes (in the subject covered by the examination) loses the first examination date and this is tantamount to entering the unsatisfactory grade in the USOSweb system on the 1st date.

7. After the teacher enters the grades into the electronic protocol, the student is obliged to verify the grades stored in the USOSweb through his account in this system and immediately report any inconsistencies to the teacher.

8. The teacher enters the grade obtained by the student in the final or examination report. Course coordinators are required to enter general grades. Entries in the credit, examination and general reports should be made immediately, but not later than within 7 days from the date of the credit or examination, and the final date for completing the grades is the last day of the resit examination session.

9. Students are required to undergo compulsory health and safety training, copyright and library training immediately after starting their studies, but not later than by the end of the first semester. Failure to complete the training on time will result in failure to complete the semester / year, without the possibility of obtaining a conditional enrollment. Additional information is available at

10. The faculty presents an offer of classes to choose from and allows token registration for these classes on specified dates. The student is required to register for the number of elective hours specified in the study program of a given semester and field of study. Elective classes cannot be repeated throughout the course of studies. Crediting of optional subjects takes place on the basis of compulsory subjects.

11. A student who has received an unsatisfactory grade for the course / component course has the right to appeal to the Dean of the Faculty within 7 days from the announcement of the result (entering the grade into the USOS system). The application must be justified by the circumstances indicating that the course of the course was incorrect. The examination before the commission should take place within ten days from the date of the Deans decision. The Dean may also order a commission credit on his / her own initiative.

12. If the student received an unsatisfactory grade from the examination within the retake period, the Dean - on the students application submitted within 7 days from the date of announcement of the examination results, justified by circumstances indicating an incorrect course of the examination - may order a commission examination. The commission examination should take place within 10 days from the date of the Deans decision. The Dean may also order an examination before an examination board on his own initiative.

13. In the event of not obtaining the consent for a credit / examination before the board or if the student has not passed the credit / examination before the examination board, he / she may apply for a conditional entry for the next semester or for repeating a semester.

14. The credit / commission examination grade replaces the grade which the student appealed against.

B. Completion of the semester

General rules

15. A student who has met the conditions for passing the semester is registered for the next semester.

16. If the student fails to complete the retake session required by the study plan by the end of the course, he / she may apply for a conditional credit for the next semester or for repeating the semester.

Conditional credit - A student may obtain a conditional credit in the semester in the event of failure of a maximum of two subjects. A student may have only two subjects covered by the "condition" at the same time, which means that if he or she already has two unsettled subjects covered by conditional credit, he / she cannot apply for another conditional credit of the semester; when he / she has one unsettled subject covered by the conditional credit, he / she may apply for another conditional credit in only one subject; if the student does not have any arrears, he / she may apply for a conditional credit for a semester in two subjects.

Supplementing the subjects covered by the condition should be closely related to the study plan. Subjects included in the study plan in the winter semester are carried out in the following year until the end of the winter semester, while subjects included in the study plan in the summer semester are carried out in the following year until the end of the summer semester.

Subjects from the penultimate semester of study, subject to the condition, may be pursued in the last semester of studies with the consent of the teacher conducting the studies.

Failure to pass the subject covered by the condition credits the repetition of the semester in which the condition was met.

Repeating a semester - In accordance with Annex 3 to the Rules of Study of the University of Lodz, a student of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology who has not obtained a credit for the first semester of studies is deleted from the list of students.A student who has failed the second semester of studies may apply to repeat this semester, while the possibility of repeating a semester is granted only once, and repeating a semester is associated with a fee, the amount of which is specified in separate regulations.

Repeating, including repeating as a result of resuming the first semester of studies, is not allowed.The possibility of repeating, including as a result of the resumption of the second semester, is granted only once.On the other hand, the student may repeat the third and subsequent semesters, including resuming it twice.

17. The student submits an appropriate application for a conditional entry or for repeating a semester / year by 04.03.2024 at the latest. (after the winter semester) and until 26.09.2024. (after the summer semester).

18. A student who is to repeat a semester has the right to obtain credits for a maximum of two subjects included in the study plan of the higher semester, but the following cannot be "advance":

  • subjects covered by the condition credit,
  • subjects from the pool of classes to choose from,
  • seminars,
  • subjects from specialty and elective modules.

Failure to pass the subject covered by the "advance" is associated with the need to pass this subject under the conditional credit, therefore a student with one unsettled conditional credit may apply for only one subject "with an advance", and a student with two unsettled conditional credit cannot apply for obtaining credits for subjects with "advance".

The choice of subjects should be made no later than 7 days from the beginning of the classes.

19. Students who repeat a year / semester, study after a leave, resume or change their field of study are required to compensate for the differences resulting from the study plan and program in the manner and dates specified by the Dean.

20. In the event of:

  • repeating a semester / year,
  • changing the field of study within the fields of study at the University of Lodz,
  • resumption of studies,
  • take up studies after leave,
  • take up additional studies in another field of study at the University of Lodz,
  • pass courses in a different field at the University of Lodz
  • participation in the mobility program joined by the University of Lodz

The Dean recognizes the already completed courses and the resulting grades and ECTS points. In the absence of a fixed grade or failure to assign ECTS points to a subject, the Dean, guided by the grades from component classes, determines the grade or assigns ECTS points. When making a decision, the Dean is guided by the convergence of the learning outcomes of the subject, taking into account in particular the lack of differences in the curriculum content of a given subject, the form and number of classes, the form of completion of the course and the requirements of the didactic process.

C. Completion of studies

21. If a student in the last semester of studies has not obtained the diploma seminar credit because of not submitting the diploma thesis by the end of the re-sit session, he or she has the right to apply for an extension of the deadline for submitting the diploma dissertation and for completing the diploma seminar for up to one month. At the students request, the deadline for submitting a BA / MA thesis may be extended only in exceptional and documented situations. Applications with justification such as "studies in two fields of study", professional work will not be taken into account. An application to the Dean in this matter, approved by the supervisor (it is necessary to indicate the percentage of advancement of the bachelors / masters thesis), should be submitted within 7 days from the end of the re-sit session, i.e. by 26.09.2024. For an additional extension for another month, please apply to the Rector.

22. Before taking the bachelors / masters examination, the student is obliged to settle accounts for the electronic circulation card and submit to the COS:

  • application for a diploma;
  • for graduates of studies started in the 2018/2019 academic year and earlier: proof of payment PLN 60 (account: UNIVERSITY OF LODZ Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S. A. II Branch in Łódź 07 1240 3028 1111 0010 2943 4436)
  • student card (applies only to second-cycle students. Graduates of the first-cycle studies have the right to keep a student ID card until October 31st, where they completed their studies. After this deadline, the graduates lose the right to have a student ID and are obliged to return it to the university).


Examination session regulations of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz Academic year 2022/2023

Order of the Rector of the University of Lodz No.117 of May 26, 2022 in the matter: division of the academic year 2022/2023, the following dates of examination sessions in the academic year 2022/2023 are set:

Winter examination session – from 23.01 to 05.02.2023
Winter make-up examination session – from 13.02 to 19.02.2023
Summer examination session – from 12.06 to 02.07.2023
Summer make-up examination session – from 01.09 to 17.09.2023

No credits and examinations should be organized after the end of the session dates.

Electronic protocols will be automatically closed by the USOS system on 19.02.2023 at 23:59 after the winter retake session and on 17.09.2023 at 23:59 after the summer retake session. As a result of the automatic approval of the report (according to the date included in the report), the authors rights to make changes expire. The grades entered by the tutor up to that point are accepted by COS as final grades.

A. Completion of the course

Conditions and deadlines for passing the subjects
1. These Regulations define the method and dates of completing the winter and summer semester in the academic year 2022/2023.
2. Whenever these regulations refer to:

  • examination session - it is understood as the basic (essential) winter and summer examination session,
  • retake session - it is understood as the winter and summer correction session,
  • COS - Student Service Center at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology

3. The conditions and procedure for obtaining credit for the course are given by the teacher during the first class. The conditions cannot violate the Study Regulations and the Examination Session Regulations.

4. Exams are taken during the examination session, which is divided into basic and retake. There are two dates for each exam: the first date and the resit date. The retake examination cannot take place before the lapse of seven days from the date of the announcement of the result of the examination taken on the first date. The dates and place of the exams are set by the examiner in consultation with the students. A student may not be obliged to take more than one exam in a single day in the primary field of study.

5. The regulations of studies at the University of Lodz provide that if a student fails to appear on the scheduled first date for a credit or exam, the teacher conducting the classes, not later than on the last day of the retake session, enters the unsatisfactory grade in the protocol in the USOSweb system.

6. A student who by the date of the examination in the basic examination session has not obtained a credit for the classes (in the subject covered by the examination) loses the first examination date and this is tantamount to entering the unsatisfactory grade in the USOSweb system on the 1st date.

7. After the teacher enters the grades into the electronic protocol, the student is obliged to verify the grades stored in the USOSweb through his account in this system and immediately report any inconsistencies to the teacher.

8. The teacher enters the grade obtained by the student in the final or examination report. Course coordinators are required to enter general grades. Entries in the credit, examination and general reports should be made immediately, but not later than within 7 days from the date of the credit or examination, and the final date for completing the grades is the last day of the resit examination session.

9. Students are required to undergo compulsory health and safety training, copyright and library training immediately after starting their studies, but not later than by the end of the first semester. Failure to complete the training on time will result in failure to complete the semester / year, without the possibility of obtaining a conditional enrollment. Additional information is available at

10. The faculty presents an offer of classes to choose from and allows token registration for these classes on specified dates. The student is required to register for the number of elective hours specified in the study program of a given semester and field of study. Elective classes cannot be repeated throughout the course of studies. Crediting of optional subjects takes place on the basis of compulsory subjects.

11. A student who has received an unsatisfactory grade for the course / component course has the right to appeal to the Dean of the Faculty within 7 days from the announcement of the result (entering the grade into the USOS system). The application must be justified by the circumstances indicating that the course of the course was incorrect. The examination before the commission should take place within ten days from the date of the Deans decision. The Dean may also order a commission credit on his / her own initiative.

12. If the student received an unsatisfactory grade from the examination within the retake period, the Dean - on the students application submitted within 7 days from the date of announcement of the examination results, justified by circumstances indicating an incorrect course of the examination - may order a commission examination. The commission examination should take place within 10 days from the date of the Deans decision. The Dean may also order an examination before an examination board on his own initiative.

13. In the event of not obtaining the consent for a credit / examination before the board or if the student has not passed the credit / examination before the examination board, he / she may apply for a conditional entry for the next semester or for repeating a semester.

14. The credit / commission examination grade replaces the grade which the student appealed against.

B. Completion of the semester

General rules

15. A student who has met the conditions for passing the semester is registered for the next semester.

16. If the student fails to complete the retake session required by the study plan by the end of the course, he / she may apply for a conditional credit for the next semester or for repeating the semester.

Conditional credit - A student may obtain a conditional credit in the semester in the event of failure of a maximum of two subjects. A student may have only two subjects covered by the "condition" at the same time, which means that if he or she already has two unsettled subjects covered by conditional credit, he / she cannot apply for another conditional credit of the semester; when he / she has one unsettled subject covered by the conditional credit, he / she may apply for another conditional credit in only one subject; if the student does not have any arrears, he / she may apply for a conditional credit for a semester in two subjects.

Supplementing the subjects covered by the condition should be closely related to the study plan. Subjects included in the study plan in the winter semester are carried out in the following year until the end of the winter semester, while subjects included in the study plan in the summer semester are carried out in the following year until the end of the summer semester.

Subjects from the penultimate semester of study, subject to the condition, may be pursued in the last semester of studies with the consent of the teacher conducting the studies.

Failure to pass the subject covered by the condition credits the repetition of the semester in which the condition was met.

Repeating a semester - In accordance with Annex 3 to the Rules of Study of the University of Lodz, a student of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology who has not obtained a credit for the first semester of studies is deleted from the list of students.A student who has failed the second semester of studies may apply to repeat this semester, while the possibility of repeating a semester is granted only once, and repeating a semester is associated with a fee, the amount of which is specified in separate regulations.

Repeating, including repeating as a result of resuming the first semester of studies, is not allowed.The possibility of repeating, including as a result of the resumption of the second semester, is granted only once.On the other hand, the student may repeat the third and subsequent semesters, including resuming it twice.

17. The student submits an appropriate application for a conditional entry or for repeating a semester / year by 27.02.2023 at the latest. (after the winter semester) and until 25.09.2023. (after the summer semester).

18. A student who is to repeat a semester has the right to obtain credits for a maximum of two subjects included in the study plan of the higher semester, but the following cannot be "advance":

  • subjects covered by the condition credit,
  • subjects from the pool of classes to choose from,
  • seminars,
  • subjects from specialty and elective modules.

Failure to pass the subject covered by the "advance" is associated with the need to pass this subject under the conditional credit, therefore a student with one unsettled conditional credit may apply for only one subject "with an advance", and a student with two unsettled conditional credit cannot apply for obtaining credits for subjects with "advance".

The choice of subjects should be made no later than 7 days from the beginning of the classes.

19. Students who repeat a year / semester, study after a leave, resume or change their field of study are required to compensate for the differences resulting from the study plan and program in the manner and dates specified by the Dean.

20. In the event of:

  • repeating a semester / year,
  • changing the field of study within the fields of study at the University of Lodz,
  • resumption of studies,
  • take up studies after leave,
  • take up additional studies in another field of study at the University of Lodz,
  • pass courses in a different field at the University of Lodz
  • participation in the mobility program joined by the University of Lodz

The Dean recognizes the already completed courses and the resulting grades and ECTS points. In the absence of a fixed grade or failure to assign ECTS points to a subject, the Dean, guided by the grades from component classes, determines the grade or assigns ECTS points. When making a decision, the Dean is guided by the convergence of the learning outcomes of the subject, taking into account in particular the lack of differences in the curriculum content of a given subject, the form and number of classes, the form of completion of the course and the requirements of the didactic process.

C. Completion of studies

21. If a student in the last semester of studies has not obtained the diploma seminar credit because of not submitting the diploma thesis by the end of the re-sit session, he or she has the right to apply for an extension of the deadline for submitting the diploma dissertation and for completing the diploma seminar for up to one month. At the students request, the deadline for submitting a BA / MA thesis may be extended only in exceptional and documented situations. Applications with justification such as "studies in two fields of study", professional work will not be taken into account. An application to the Dean in this matter, approved by the supervisor (it is necessary to indicate the percentage of advancement of the bachelors / masters thesis), should be submitted within 7 days from the end of the re-sit session, i.e. by 25.09.2023. For an additional extension for another month, please apply to the Rector.

22. Before taking the bachelors / masters examination, the student is obliged to settle accounts for the electronic circulation card and submit to the COS:

  • application for a diploma;
  • for graduates of studies started in the 2018/2019 academic year and earlier: proof of payment PLN 60 (account: UNIVERSITY OF LODZ Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S. A. II Branch in Łódź 07 1240 3028 1111 0010 2943 4436)
  • student card (applies only to second-cycle students. Graduates of the first-cycle studies have the right to keep a student ID card until October 31st, where they completed their studies. After this deadline, the graduates lose the right to have a student ID and are obliged to return it to the university).